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Continuing our AudiSee at SPARK Hollywood

AudiSee Navigation is so proud to announce our participation & first place award in the 2023 SPARK Hollywood pitch competition!

Thank you to the organizers of SPARK

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce & their amazing liaisons worked tirelessly to create and host this incredible event. Carmen Candelaria really shined as an organizer, coach, and advisor as she beautifully managed and navigated this event. Thank you to all the judges, teams, and organizers for this incredible experience!

Winning & What's Next

We're ramping up for our product launch & with that we are excited to host promo events-- Audilympics if you will. With the prize money from first place in SPARK Hollywood we plan to hold the first Audilympics, giving kids and adults with vision loss a chance to try out the AudiSee through games like tag or obstacle courses! Get on our waitlist & fill out the vision loss survey to stay up-to-date & be one of the first to receive or try out the AudiSee device!

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